One Of A Kind Bejeweled Pill Box
Jewelry, jewelry and more jewelry....we have so many styles and it changes weekly!

Add a Seashell Heart Cockle to you Valentine's gift box: $2 ea.

Let Them Eat Cake Collection of handmade soaps $8.95 ea.
Creme Brulee, Black Forest Torte.

Beautiful Re-Purposed Flatware Bracelets $42
Creme Brulee, Black Forest Torte.
Beautiful Re-Purposed Flatware Bracelets $42
So Pretty in Pink ~ Heart Rocks $10 ea
Pair of Hearts or Lips Earrings $12 (pink, red or clear)
We uncovered 12 of these sweet old heart boxes that were never used from the 1960's!
Place a small trinket of affection inside for your sweetheart. $4.95 ea
Ring us for more information on shipping. We can gift wrap and ship to make it easy peasy.
Love the pink heart rocks....they popped out at me like a beating heart.
Love it all and wish I lived closer.
Hugs to all of you,
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
So Pretty! Rita
Thanks Amy & Rita! I know you visit CA. now and then Amy, so you'll have to visit!
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