Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Flower For Her Hair

Amy from Illinois is trying on her soon to be new headband.
Thanks for letting me take your photo Amy!

And Amy's mother, Karen from Peoria.
Sweet sweet gals who visited us recently..hope to see you again someday!

We have many styles of headbands and flowers to adorn your pretty little head!

The large flower headbands above are available in black, white, teal or tan. $18
NEW color just arrived! A beautiful bright CORAL.

You can even add your own signature to these by adding a vintage rhinestone pin or button!

Sweet smaller blossom headbands (not pictured)
Available in black, taupe, gray or fuchsia


Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...


Sheila said...

Very nice... I really like them, very simply yet a great statement piece. I hope your Monday is Great!


A Wild Thing said...

I wish I had the courage to wear such cute lil' things...but I think here in Ioway, they'd think I was cornfused...know what I mean???

Shop is coming along great, we got fairly steady traffic considering our old landlord took our moved sign out of the window last week, but our local paper is doing a big writeup about us, that should attract a
a lot of attention.

Hope you got the coffee wiped up...Crack-heads strike again..heehee...

Relics said...

Peoria Peoria !

How fun!

How nice they found your lovely lovely shop- what a splendid vacation indeed!
