Monday, March 22, 2010

It Was Meant To Be...


One day last week, this vintage wood Letterpress Block Set came into the shop.

I had just placed it on an old drop front desk and I decided to flip over the X and O for a photo for the blog post. Within 30 minutes of setting it down, Daniel & Bernadette walked in the store. They were visiting from San Francisco and just the sweetest couple. She kept repeating how much she loved everything! Then he saw IT..the Letter Press Set. As he was admiring it, she could see how he loved it and when I heard her say to him, "you love it, don't you"...her words made me smile. They told me they were engaged to be married in August, and he wanted to use it to make their table place setting cards. What fun! So after they made their purchase, I asked if I could take their picture for the blog. We look forward to their next visit to The Attic and wish them both a lifetime of happiness*

These are the kind of memories that make me realize
how much I love doing what I do!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is that. To be young and in love....
