Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Desk Makeover

We paint a lot of the pieces that we find, and I always forget to take a before and after shot. This time was different! I remembered. :)

This darling little desk with built on bookcase was a recent find which was painted to give it a fresh look. We were going to leave it natural, but the wood was stained two different shades and that's all I could see when I looked at it. This would be perfect for a small bedroom or any room where you need a little desk to pay your bills or write a note. It takes up hardly any room at all!
This little cutie has been SOLD!


  1. Love the desk makeover. White is just not selling here in Iowa anymore, they've moved on to black...maybe it's the dark dreary season ahead, don't know, but it would've looked awesome black too.

  2. now that is beautiful! ok paint the table! hahahahaha J/K! well leave it for now, but ....I have a feeling the table won't stay brown long;) xo

  3. The desk looks wonderful painted white! I've never seen a desk quite like that one.
